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Ben's Story

Writer's picture: humansnetworkhumansnetwork

I always knew Governments lied. I knew they did this largely to protect us, I knew the world was an unpleasant place in many respects, but I was safe in my Western bubble, best not to think about it too much.

I'd always considered myself a bit of a critical-thinker. I’d dwell on things, sometimes a little neurotically, every purchase I make comes with a few weeks research. I felt I was good at assessing situations, weighing up data, being analytical and seeing through lies and mis-truths. My work as a Surveyor for a building company meant I often had to analyse numerical and specification-data, pick through and assess long-winded contractual text, find solutions to problems, and obtain best-value between competing information; I do love a good spread-sheet and I’ve an eye for technical detail having an engineering background.

Like many other people, I was shocked and deeply moved by the events of 9/11, but in later years I also came to realise it may have been a 'false-flag', an inside job, carried out in order to gain support for the Iraq war. I knew the west carried out wars for oil and political gain, but again, best not to dwell on such things too much, it’s a little unsettling and undermines the basis of what is best described as 'christian-beliefs', that the West is supposedly founded on.

It wasn't until April 2019 that by chance we watched a programme on Amazon-Prime about the potential controlled demolition of the twin towers - It was a monumental eye opener for me, "how did all this evidence of clear government involvement go so unnoticed, how was it possible to cover this up?" - It led me to spend 6 weeks or more searching YouTube for videos of 9/11, many that openly showed evidence of building damage outside the 'correct' timeline and other things that were totally at odds with the official narrative, along with detail of many of the ‘coincidences’ that occurred on that day, but eventually, as you do, I moved on.

Towards the end of 2019, myself and my colleagues at work all suffered odd cold/flu symptoms including upset stomachs, and light-headed, woozy feelings for quite an extended period, we were constantly commenting on how odd we all felt - I wasn't well for at least 6 weeks. Over Christmas 2019 my partner (female & Polish) became very ill, for several weeks, in-fact it was the worst she'd ever been since she caught swine flu in 2009 (the year that we met). She’d come down with a bad flu and she was often delirious, my son also became ill although not quite as badly, I managed to avoid it.

As we entered 2020 we began hearing of a respiratory disease in China, that was affecting people with flu like symptoms - How odd we'd just had something similar. However, it was in a faraway country and not too much of a concern. Then things began to get real, the images coming out of Italy of lines and lines of coffins and military ambulances etc. were shocking. As time went on, and working in Oxford, we then found ourselves in the thick of the UK 'pandemic'. At first Oxford was one of the ‘hot-spots’ largely due (we were told) to its foreign students who'd all just come back from their Christmas holidays, and also a luxury shopping destination called Bicester Village that wealthy Chinese tourists visited the UK specifically to shop at, obviously all bringing the ‘deadly-virus’ with them.

Life suddenly became very different towards the end of March, I ended up working from home, my partner was placed on furlough and my son's school had closed requiring him to be home-schooled. We were concerned about going shopping and mixing with others and the BBC news was painting a desperate picture of the unfolding 'pandemic', on the plus side the weather was amazing and it allowed us to do many things that we'd been putting off around the house given that our social lives were essentially on hold. It also gave me time to go back to my 9/11 research and I found that all the videos I'd previously watched were no longer available, censored for showing things that didn't fit the narrative presumably. As I dug further, I found out more and more about the 'conspiracy' within the conspiracies, the 'gatekeepers' and ‘controlled-opposition’ and how false conspiracy-narratives are spun to detract from the truth of what might have actually gone on and to divide the opposing voices. 9/11 is a masterclass in this disinformation process {albeit 'covid' may now have eclipsed it}, and I soon discovered that even the film that piqued my initial interest, along with the organisation that produced it, was actually spinning a rather clever lie itself, the fact it was on Amazon says it all.

On the 4th May, I went back to work in my office. Our building sites {previously closed} were allowed to continue work, construction being considered essential. What was strange was that there didn't seem to be much of a pandemic occurring, everyone seemed OK, I worked all through the summer and we even managed to visit my partners family in Poland in August. The pandemic was over as far as it seemed, but there was continuing talk of ‘2nd-waves’ and ‘vaccines’ and being in Oxford this had particular local relevance due to the vaccine development happening there.

Heading into the Autumn of 2020 it continued to seem like the pandemic was everywhere in the media, but not occurring in reality. The official numbers were clearly grossly over-inflated, and we'd pretty much stopped watching the ‘fear-mongering’ BBC news etc. preferring, at the time, to get our information from Russia-Today who were one of the few media outlets openly questioning the official narrative at the time; a narrative that didn't seem to represent the reality we were experiencing.

Entering the 2nd lockdown in September and having suspected that something was seriously amiss for a few months, it finally hit me that this was a new 9/11, there was a thoroughly insidious, malevolent intent to it, and that my Government was not looking after my best interests, in fact, quite the opposite. I felt lonely, isolated, and as though the ground had crumbled away below my feet - At that point no one around me could see the extent of the deception and the satanic lie that I could clearly see was being perpetrated.

It was both a hugely unsettling but liberating time, and as I continued to carry out research into other past events along with digging deep into the counter-narrative of the unfolding covid story, I felt as though my eyes were being opened to all the hidden horrors and deception in the world whilst the rest of the population slept through them. Unfortunately it didn't seem generally possible to share these thoughts with many others outside of my close family for fear of being seen as a bit crazy, albeit I attempted it with a few friends and colleagues late in November with what I now see as some success, some, I’m sure, still think I’ve lost it.

I remember reading about the Corman-Drosden-Review on RT in early December after seeing a couple of excellent videos by Dr Mike Yeadon that spoke of a science much more in tune with the real world evidence I was experiencing and that chimed with what small amount of knowledge I’d gained about viral transmission and respiratory illness that I’d researched myself. I'd begun following select accounts on Twitter (without joining myself at that point) including Mike Yeadon’s, Thomas Binder’s and a little later on Lidiya's before they were all de-platformed. I remember thinking after reading the CDR; “there you go, it’s fake, real-science say so, this will be over”, I shared it with a few friends and family members saying that it was obviously indisputable, the conspiracy-theorists and real-scientists were right, the tests are a scam and the numbers falsified... Well, we now know that it was never about the science.

It is fair to say the events of 2020 made me the person I am today, and whilst, in many respects, I was robbed of certain life experiences, it also allowed me time to research subjects that I would not have otherwise found the time for, and to learn to question everything that is presented not only in the mainstream media, but in our history too. It has also allowed me to connect and share thoughts and insight with like-minded people from around the world using the tech-platforms, that somewhat perversely, have enabled these recent events to occur. Social-Media, for all it’s bad points, allowed me to see that there existed a large number of people that didn’t believe in what was going on either, that in itself was a huge help and continues to be to this day.

It has come with many down-sides though, people who I once considered friends seem distant and lacking depth, still buried deep in their covid-fantasy, and being slightly older parents anyway, we missed the opportunity to have another child that we were trying for ‘pre-covid’. This said, both my partner and I are happy with our new ‘awake’ frame of mind and our main focus is now protecting our son from the same such horrors that I spent many evenings reading about in the year that defined me.

The rest, 2021 onward, as they say is history, one that as we speak, is already being re-written by the perpetrators of the crimes to better suit the prevailing narrative – nothing new in that as I now realise, but it's a history that we shouldn’t let people forget, especially those who thrust this tyranny on us.

As a people, our power lies in connection, and through the sharing of our thoughts, memories, and feelings we become stronger; a strength and depth of humanity lacking from those that 'govern' us, that ultimately will be their downfall however much they attempt to divide us in the meantime. Keep learning, keep loving, and keep sharing, our survival depends on it.

Ben - @BenSeventy7

Oxfordshire, UK.

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