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Until the week of 9 march 2020, I lived my life completely drawn into my weekly routines. I was completely unprepared of what would happen since I didn’t read the news, not at all, and I was busy with my own life and worries. It was only the day before the lockdown was announced, 11 March, that I was taken out of my bubble. I came home and met my flatmate in the kitchen where he told me quite worried that Denmark had closed schools and that Norway probably is going to do the same. My flatmate apparently had followed hour-by-hour the news and told me very emotionally about it. It appeared completely surreal to me. I said «Well, let’s see what happens. I cannot imagine they gonna do this here». That day, I think was the last time I had a somewhat rational discussion with him. I think we agreed that closing schools was an overreaction. But still until the next day (12 March 2020), I just went on with my business as usual. Only when I came home again, my flatmate presented me with the news; that there was a press conference and that Norway would do like Denmark: close the schools. That evening I looked up the news and watched the press conference. Yes, from on the next day, 13 March, Norway would go into «lockdown».
I felt like in the wrong movie. Intuitively, I thought: «This is 9/11 – it is exactly the same! - but now we are all victims of the shock strategy». This made me worry. Cynically, I told myself: «So be it. Let them play pandemic. But hopefully really just for 2 weeks! People will realize that it’s a complete overreaction.» Discussing with my flatmate in the kitchen, I argued: «If there was such a thing as a deadly virus, mankind wouldn’t have survived.» And I said: «No government has the right to take responsibility for each and every individual and close down a whole country!». And he replied: «But people can’t take responsibility for themselves, it is needed that they are being told what is right to do in this situation now». I was perplexed. What a statement! I strongly disagreed and said that I think every single living individual has an innate ability to take care and act responsibly for itself. If that wasn’t the case, we wouldn’t have survived as humans. He argued with the tiger-story: «If there is a tiger coming towards you, you don’t wait until he is directly in front of you. You take a gun and better shoot him.» Uhhh. That was the start of a very difficult time in my apartment.
But life before then was tough. In spring 2020, during the first lockdown, I got quite depressed. I went to the forest almost every day and watched the nature in its awakening. A bit of healing at least. But I was broken with my trust in mankind. How could the whole world have become so insane? As time passed, and as I progressed with my analyses, reality and the created reality by media and the people around me seemed to diverge more and more from each other.
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